Cosmic Pool Rules
In easy difficulty, gameplay takes place in a geometry with both side and corner goals.
In medium, hard and master difficulty, gameplay takes place in a geometry with only round side goals.
In easy and medium difficulty, the controller does not allow the player to take invalid shots resulting in the loss of the turn or game.
In hard and master difficulty, the cue fire button is always present. The controller does not prevent the player from taking a non-scoring shot. This results in the loss of the turn and/or the game.
In master difficulty, there is no controller to present possible shots to the player. All shots must be manually aimed from the cue ball. The cue fire button is always present.
The ball cluster consists of 17 or 27 balls. The balls are charged to explode at the slightest contact.
Player 1 breaks. The breaking player cannot lose the turn. The cue is randomly placed in the play geometry if a scratch occurs. If the 8 ball is scored, game play is over and player 1 loses.
After the break the players are undifferentiated, regardless of any balls of either type (solid or striped) that may have been scored.
The breaking player must now score a ball. The type of the scored ball is assigned to player 1.
Upon assignment of ball type, the players must now score all of the balls of that type prior to scoring the 8 ball.
If a player takes a shot that fails to score a ball, that player loses their turn. If the player fails to score the 8 ball on the last turn, the player loses.
Scoring the 8 ball after all of the balls of the player's assigned type wins the game for the player. Scoring the 8 ball any other time loses the game for the player who shot.
In the event of a scratch shot (the cue is scored) the ball is randomly replaced in the geometry and the player loses their turn.
All combination shots must begin and end with a ball of the player's assigned type. In combinations of three or more balls, the intervening balls between the beginning and end ball may be of either type and including the 8 ball.
Immediately after the break when players are unassigned, combination shots may be formed from any ball in play.
Cosmic Pool Rules
The rules of Cosmic Pool are similar to regular 8-ball pool.
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