Free Aim Mode
Sometimes balls are located where the controller can't find any simple shots. Other balls are in the way, or the target ball is stuck in a corner. In these cases, you can aim the current ball yourself.
Tap the crosshairs in the center of the screen to enter Free Aim mode. The unselect button exits Free Aim mode and returns to the previous shot.
Increase the shot power to see currently selected ball's path. It can now be aimed like a track ball. Just swipe on the ball to aim.
You now can aim the ball at a goal yourself rather than rely on the controller. Maybe you see a shot it doesn't? It is possible, the control only calculates simple shots.
You can Free Aim on bank shots and combination shots.
Free aiming is useful for when balls are stuck in corners or behind other balls and the controller can't find any shots... (hint: this can take a little persistence)
..Or you can use Free Aiming just for playing freestyle!
Free Aim Mode
How to manually aim a shot.
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